Still trying to DO transformation?

Image: Magician with a wand, hat, and dove Text: “Still trying to DO transformation?”

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We’re addicted to DOing.

It’s not enough to sit back and relax anymore.

We have to be doing something or we feel like we haven’t accomplished anything.

Sound familiar?

I was baffled from some of the feedback I got from a free guide I just wrote.

Consistently, most people felt compelled to tell me there needed to be a DOing component to it.

There needed to be pages for people to write in.


Reflection prompts.

It wasn’t enough to just be information.

That wouldn’t make any transformation happen!

Sound familiar?

I will stoutly point out that I don’t believe in “making transformation happen”.

I know the power of temporarily ignoring the DOing itch and just BEing still.

Just listening.

Just letting something sink in.

I’m not talking about meditation, although in loose definitions it could be considered as such.

I’m talking about  just taking in the MOMENT.

Without needing to DO transformation to be transformed, or to transform others.

This idea takes a lot of trust, but when we let go of the need to DO,  it’s absolutely magical.

It’s funny, I’ve never felt better than since I stopped trying to DO transformation.

Now I can let it happen to, from and within me as is natural.

Are you in?

**BTW, if you want your own copy, let me know in the comments and I’ll get you a link to it!

#transformation #doing #being #meditation #bestill #globalvillagecampus #therealdeboraha 

Image: Magician with a wand, hat, and dove

Text: “Still trying to DO transformation?”

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